Bahamas Remembered - Pre Cruise
And why wouldn't I? I've done a thorough job of scrapbooking every single minute of that fantastic holiday. My husband would undoubtedly say I went overboard to create over 100 layouts. But, I see it differently. My experience was made of a million tiny, marvelous little moments. It was the combination of these single, seemingly inconsequential delights that combined to make a fun vacation FANTASTIC.
The design for my digital album was inspired by Rhonna Farrer's Magnifico Mexico layout on page 10 of Designing with Digital by Autumn Leaves. The graphic design, deliberate rough edges, and muted colors absolutely appealed to me, and I felt it would be the perfect frame to offset the rich jewel colors of the Bahamas.
Since each day of the cruise was spent at a different Port of Call, so I created chapters for each day of the cruise. It was a system that worked well for me, allowing me to break the massive project into smaller, more manageable bites (bytes? Hee hee). I must say, digital scrapbooking projects are so much easier for me than paper scrapbooking ever was. The photos are already in order, with the dates recorded in the history. No sorting, no shuffeling, no misplacing pictures only to discover it....too late!!!....later. The tedious (but fun) process of page design assimilation is done once.....and then used and reused over and over, with subtle variations for visual interest. In other words, the work is removed, and all that's left is the memories and the fun.
And now....for my Bahamas Cruise scrapbook album.
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